Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Artist of the Month - Karen Blevins

Karen Blevins is our Artist of the month for September. She has been creating since she was nine and began selling these wonderful creations since 2000. Her Father, who is a Commercial Artist and Craft Stores where she took and taught classes influenced her unique artwork.

Karen says:"Life is my ONLY training and taking it all in."

Karen was willing to share with us something no one knows about her.
" I buy a NEW witch hat and pajamas every September and start wearing it until after Halloween. I am a closet Witch. HaHa The Crazy Witch! I wear beanies all year round. That's All Folks!"

What are your favorite Artists and does anyone inspire you?
ANSWER: My favorite artists are all around me. Every day artists. I am inspired by my Father and my sister who is also an artist. Karen, (like
several of us) starts her projects in a spare room and then
ENDS UP ALL OVER THE HOUSE! (sound familiar?) She also has a "Crazy Woman's Cave!"

Working seasonally with her favorite materials: Fabric, glue, laces of all kinds, polyfill, different types of yarns, BUTTONS, and zippers Karen creates something in a couple of hours or other times longer. If too long,

they become UFO's - UnFinished Objects! We all have those!

Future plans might include making Jewelry. Karen enjoys Movie Marathons and loves Altered Art, Collecting Vintage and Upcycling Dolls. She's working on some Angels right now.

See Karen's fun items online at:

Karen advises others to: "Let your HEART lead the way. You can even surprise yourself if you don't plan as much as you JUST DO! :)."


  1. I always anxiously await her next design!
    Her dolls are so unique.

  2. I love Karen's unique designs and host quite a few in my home myself, I know they are not dolls for children but my oldest grand daughter ZoeBug claimed one the moment it showed up saying it looked like her grandma so she had to have it, The Doll had glasses like me. Karen is truly a talent beyond talent with a huge heart,

  3. I love Karen's unique designs and host quite a few in my home myself, I know they are not dolls for children but my oldest grand daughter ZoeBug claimed one the moment it showed up saying it looked like her grandma so she had to have it, The Doll had glasses like me. Karen is truly a talent beyond talent with a huge heart,
